4. Using dis_perfmon

The dis_perfmon utility can be used to measure the PCIe link utilization in and out of a Dolphin PCIe adapter card. The functionality is available with NTB and Transparent Host and Target cards based on Broadcom chipsets. The functionality was added in eXpressWare 5.12.1.

dis_perfmon provides two basic commands:

dis_perfmon single-monitor <Adapter_No> <Port1>

dis_perfmon dual-monitor <Adapter_No> <Port1> <Port2>

The Port parameter depends on your card and configuration. If your card is configured for a single link, the cable port is always 0. If your card support dual x8, use port 0 and 1. A card configured for quad ports, use ports 0,1,2,3. The Slot (Edge connector) link is always referenced as 's'.

The Port parameter:

0..3 - cable link 0..3

s - slot side

As with dis_tool, these commands can be abbreviated as long as they are unambiguous. In addition, the 'loops' command is supported which sets the number of iterations. For non-interactive use, the '-l <loops>' command line option can be used.

As the names suggest, it is possible to monitor one or two ports of an adapter at a time. dis_perfmon can be run on multiple adapters concurrently.

An example;

[root@hetty ~]# dis_perfmon -l 100 dual 2 s 0
Loops: 100 
Press [ENTER] to abort
Slot   status: x16, Gen3
Link 0 status: x16, Gen3

          Link      Total      Total        Pyld        Pyld       Pyld
   Port   Util       Data       Rate        Total       Rate      Avg/TLP
S  Ing:  57.85%    8.62 GB    8.62 GB/s    8.01 GB    8.00 GB/s  260.00 B
S  Egr:   3.27%  499.01 MB  498.74 MB/s      360 B      359 B/s    7.20 B
L0 Ing:   3.25%  495.47 MB  495.20 MB/s      364 B      363 B/s    7.14 B
L0 Egr:  57.74%    8.61 GB    8.60 GB/s    7.99 GB    7.99 GB/s  260.00 B

S  Ing:  58.32%    8.70 GB    8.69 GB/s    8.07 GB    8.07 GB/s  260.00 B
S  Egr:   3.30%  503.05 MB  502.79 MB/s      360 B      359 B/s    7.20 B
L0 Ing:   3.27%  499.36 MB  499.10 MB/s      364 B      363 B/s    7.14 B
L0 Egr:  58.21%    8.68 GB    8.67 GB/s    8.06 GB    8.05 GB/s  260.00 B

S  Ing:  34.62%    5.16 GB    5.16 GB/s    4.79 GB    4.79 GB/s  260.00 B
S  Egr:   1.96%  298.85 MB  298.69 MB/s    1.02 KB    1.02 KB/s   12.63 B
L0 Ing:   1.94%  296.66 MB  296.50 MB/s    1.03 KB    1.03 KB/s   12.52 B
L0 Egr:  34.54%    5.15 GB    5.15 GB/s    4.78 GB    4.78 GB/s  260.00 B

S  Ing:   0.00%  719.10 KB  718.70 KB/s      520 B      519 B/s    5.78 B
S  Egr:   0.00%  718.92 KB  718.52 KB/s      360 B      359 B/s    7.20 B
L0 Ing:   0.00%  728.31 KB  727.91 KB/s      364 B      363 B/s    7.14 B
L0 Egr:   0.00%  729.47 KB  729.06 KB/s    1.53 KB    1.53 KB/s    4.38 B